If you are looking for Jitsi Meet, the WebRTC compatible video conferencing product click here.

Get the Sources

Basically, there are three ways to get the source code of Jitsi. You can:

  1. Download the Zip containing the nightly snapshot of the source tree from our site here: https://download.jitsi.org/jitsi/nightly/src/
  2. Download the Zip containing a snapshot of the sources from GitHub here: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi (search for the “Download ZIP” button)
  3. Use Git to checkout the sources directly from the repository: git clone https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi.git

Downloading the Zip Package

Download the source and then unzip it on your computer.

Install needed applications

In order to build and run the Jitsi, all you need is a recent JDK and ANT.

  • JDK
    • Download the latest version on java.sun.com website
    • Unzip the package
    • Add <jdk_package_path>/bin to your PATH
  • ANT
    • Download the latest version from http://ant.apache.org
    • Unzip the package
    • Add <ant_package_path>/bin to your PATH

Build and start

To see a list of the most useful ant commands for the project, you can simply execute:


To see a list of all the external ant targets in the project, you should execute:

 ant -projecthelp

To safely build the project from the latest source and create all Oscar bundles, you need to execute:

 ant rebuild

To run the application against your latest successful build, simply enter:

 ant run

.. but be careful, because this might not reflect the latest source changes. If you want to pick up your latest changes first, then enter:

 ant make run

.. or if you are worried about subtle dependency issues, use this “paranoid” command:

 ant rebuild run

Prepare and execute the tests

The project maintains a large number of unit tests. If you’d like to use them in order to make sure that everything is working as expected, follow these steps:

  • For tests that deal with ICQ, you need to do the following:
    • Create two ICQ accounts on icq.com/register
    • In the lib directory, copy the accounts.properties.template file to a new file called accounts.properties.
    • Configure the new file with the following parameters :
 accounts.icq.TESTED_IMPL_ACCOUNT_ID = <first_account_uin>
 accounts.icq.TESTED_IMPL_PWD = <first_account_password>

 accounts.icq.TESTING_IMPL_ACCOUNT_ID = <second_account_uin>
 accounts.icq.TESTING_IMPL_PWD = <second_account_password>

 accounts.icq.CONTACT_LIST = group1.321947947 group2.269274750
  group3.294057493 group3.219630674

(The contact list above is an example, you could use other groups and users)

  • Execute the following command :
 ant rebuild

Author: Veronique Dupont
Update: Brian Burch