Jitsi 1.0 (Released Q1 2012)
- Microsoft Outlook integration
- Apple Address Book integration
- Google Contact integration
- Integration of LDAP directories ( #445)
- Support for Google’s ICE and Jingle variants
- Cross protocol conference calls
- Prefix configuration for external contact sources such as LDAP, Google Contact, Address Book, Outlook
- Spell checking (partially implemented and looking for volunteers)
- Wideband calls with SILK
- Move to the FMJ project.
- DNSSEC support
Jitsi 1.0 beta 1 (Released in Q1, 2011)
- Support for RTP DTMF (RFC 2833/4733)
- Improved call history
- Missed call visual notifications
- Wideband calls with speex
- Complete Jingle support (including Video and ICE)
- A Google mode for Jingle and ice4j (including Video and ICE)
- Multiparty Audio conferencing for Jingle (not necessarily with muji)
- ZRTP support for Jingle
- Desktop Sharing with SIP
- Desktop Sharing with XMPP
- Improve our configuration form
- Support for Jingle Nodes
Tentative (Some may be rescheduled for later releases):
- Support for chats via HTTP proxies where possible
- Support for TURN in ice4j (Related issues 251)
- XCAP support
- Call recording
- Support for pending voicemail messages - RFC 3842
- UPnP support and integration with ICE4j
SIP Communicator 1.0 alpha 5 - completed in Q1, 2010 - not officially released
- Advanced contact list filtering and search (Related issues 565)
SIP Communicator 1.0 alpha 4 - completed in Q4, 2009 - not officially released
- Multiparty Audio conferencing for SIP (i.e. with 3 or more participants)
- File transfer through (at least some of the following) IM protocols ( #170)
- Yahoo! Messenger
- Echo cancellation (Related issues: 244)
- Use a properties file format for sip-communicator.xml ( #618)
- Support for OTR encryption of instant messaging chats
- Custom support for Growl (including images and click detection)
- Support for GMail and Google Apps notifications in Jabber
- Native audio capture with port audio
- Add the possibility to select an audio device to use (e.g. a usb headset or web cam)
- Redesign our CallSession interface so that it can be used by both SIP and Jingle
SIP Communicator 1.0 alpha 3 - completed in summer 2009 - not officially released
- Improved support for Video Calls on Linux and Windows ( #256)
- Support for Video Calls on Mac OS X
- Secure calls with zRTP (almost there)
- Support for Call Transfer
- Blind
- Attended ( #444)
- Complete support for reINVITEs ( #443)
- Using a single SIP stack for all accounts ( #442)
- Support for Call Hold
- Support for Microphone Muting during a call
- Move to Java 1.5
- Configuration forms allowing control on major SIP Communicator features
- Seamless IPv6 support and transparent IPv4/IPv6 usage
- Support for SIP accounts with no registrar or proxy
- Internationalization
- French
- German
- Bulgarian
- Japanese
- Spanish
- Italian
- Romanian
- Resolve remaining 1.0 issues
SIP Communicator 1.0 alpha 2 - released on Nov. 2nd 2007
- Basic IPv6 Support
- Basic STUN Support (Related issues: 207)
- Bundle management user interface (Related issues: 239)
- More ProtocolService Implementations
- Systray icon (Related issues: 242)
- Conference chatting with Jabber (Related issues : Related issues : 244, 246 )
- Experimental support for Jingle (No Video nor ICE)
- Support for avatars and contact photos (Related issues: 320, Related issues: 322, Related issues: 321)
- Allow registration of new Jabber accounts.
- Add a splash screen on startup (Related Issues: 267).
- Implement extended call history user interface.
- Support for SIP INFO DTMF
- Implement a way to keep important files in a coherent state (Related issues: 333)
(All issues associated with the alpha 2 release)
SIP Communicator 1.0 alpha 1 - released on Dec 22nd 2006
- GUI Service
- Configuration Service
- NetAddressManager
- Create a MediaService
- Create a ProtocolService
- Provide a SIP implementation.
- Provide a Jabber implementation
- Provide an ICQ/AIM
- Support for MSN Messenger
- History
- Call history service
- Message history service
- Installer
- Windows
- Linux
- Generic
- RPM (Fedora, Suse, etc.)
- DEB (Ubuntu, Debian, etc.)
- Mac
- Version Service
- Support for ILBC, speex and JMF